Rock Climbing

Isan activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of ausually pre-defined route without falling. Due to the length and extendedendurance required and because accidents are more likely to happen on descentthan ascent, Rock Climbers do not usually climb back down the route. It is veryrare for a climber to down climb, especially on the larger multiple pitches (class III- IV and /or multi-daygrades IV-VI climbs). Professional Rock climbingcompetitions have the objectives of eithercompleting the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthestpoint on an increasingly difficult route. Scrambling, another activity involving thescaling of hills and similar formations, is similar to rock climbing. However,rock climbing is generally differentiated by its sustained use of hands tosupport the climber's weight as well as to provide balance.

Rockclimbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests aclimber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control.It can be a dangerous activity and knowledge of proper climbingtechniques and usage of specialized climbingequipment is crucial for the safe completion ofroutes. Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around theworld, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles andsub-disciplines.

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